- The Feros Initiative has become the most hated community on Planetside 2
- The Feros Initiative is growing fast
- The Feros Initiative home system is YZ Fornacis
- The Feros Initiative started weekly events
- News flash Murkal_man gets killed over 10x in a row by a BR level 8 on a flash more about this later
- The initiative is using discord now while the empire remains on teamspeak
- Megan demands the jizz on murkal-mans face to be tested for monkey origins


Zabimaru started the topic BLACKWATCH in the forum Conan Exiles Server 7 years ago
As a Cimmerian I lead the BLACKWATCH. I bow to no man nor to any God as Crom gave me all I ever needed at birth. BLACKWATCH will fight with other factions only if we agree with their goals. We will stand with the weak against the onslaught of tyrannical power hungry rulers. BLACKWATCH will trade with any Faction or Guild out there until such time…[Read more]
Zabimaru replied to the topic Introduction in the forum Conan Exiles Server 7 years ago
OK 🙂 accepted your request on steam
Zabimaru replied to the topic Introduction in the forum Conan Exiles Server 7 years ago
If I am allowed to join your server, can you please tell me the name that I need to search for in order to join 🙂
Zabimaru started the topic Introduction in the forum Conan Exiles Server 7 years ago
Hi everyone, hope it is OK for me to post here as I see it is mainly clan related but I don’t see any other place being really active 🙂
I am new to the site and very new to Conan Exiles (actually never played it before)I have been looking through possible server lists to join once the game has finished downloaded and yours was one that caught…[Read more]
Zabimaru replied to the topic Mist Mercnary in the forum Conan Exiles Server 7 years ago
🙂 Like your into
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