Feros News
- The Feros Initiative has become the most hated community on Planetside 2
- The Feros Initiative is growing fast
- The Feros Initiative home system is YZ Fornacis
- The Feros Initiative started weekly events
- News flash Murkal_man gets killed over 10x in a row by a BR level 8 on a flash more about this later
- The initiative is using discord now while the empire remains on teamspeak
- Megan demands the jizz on murkal-mans face to be tested for monkey origins
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stealthmylife started the topic A day in the life of a Avenger 123 in the forum Planetside 2 PS4 Forum 4 years, 7 months ago
>wake up
>scream for mummy to change dirty diapers
>get a fresh nappy and sniff
shit encrusted nails
>log into planetside 2 while
simultaneously saying its a
dead game.
>harass FERO since it makes
you feel better about your
shitty life.
>keep on spamming chat about
how FERO is toxic while
getting rammed by them.
>eat fish and chips…[Read more]
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