Feros News
- The Feros Initiative has become the most hated community on Planetside 2
- The Feros Initiative is growing fast
- The Feros Initiative home system is YZ Fornacis
- The Feros Initiative started weekly events
- News flash Murkal_man gets killed over 10x in a row by a BR level 8 on a flash more about this later
- The initiative is using discord now while the empire remains on teamspeak
- Megan demands the jizz on murkal-mans face to be tested for monkey origins
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Online focused games played: Elite dangerous; Arma 3; CS:GO; Borderlands 2; Destiny; Destiny 2; Warframe; Planetside 2; Warthunder; Payday 2; Battlefield 4.
E:D info:
In-game name: LaptopGaming
Discord name: LaptopGaming
Main ship type: Anaconda
Ship ID: FIN-42
Ship name: FIN The long reach
Main combat vessel: Federal Assault Ship (for now at least)
Main combat vessel name: FIN The glass fibre cannon (for now at least).
Current prototype/project ship: Federal corvette
Current prototype/project ship name: FIN The Vettel
Current prototype/project status: Combat ready, Real testing phase, Missing thruster modifications.
E:D info:
In-game name: LaptopGaming
Discord name: LaptopGaming
Main ship type: Anaconda
Ship ID: FIN-42
Ship name: FIN The long reach
Main combat vessel: Federal Assault Ship (for now at least)
Main combat vessel name: FIN The glass fibre cannon (for now at least).
Current prototype/project ship: Federal corvette
Current prototype/project ship name: FIN The Vettel
Current prototype/project status: Combat ready, Real testing phase, Missing thruster modifications.
- NAME: Dominykas Orlovas
- LOCATION: Lithuania , Vilnius
- AGE: 25
- JOINED: March, 2018
© 2025 Copyright The Feros Empire. All rights reserved.